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CameraPixels PRO



檔案大小:5 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 與 watchOS 6.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

CameraPixels PRO(圖1)-速報App

CameraPixels is a unique manual photography app. The premium tools and intuitive UI make CameraPixels the best choice for professional mobile photographers. CameraPixels participated in Berkley Eclipse Megamovie 2017 thanks to its extensive raw bracketing.

Intuitive UI


CameraPixels has a simple and efficient UI. The most important information is always in front of your eyes, and this allows you to avoid surprises like an unexpected flash fire or the wrong output photo or video format. Stop being distracted by the uncertainty of the settings, concentrate on your capture!

CameraPixels PRO(圖2)-速報App

ISO/Shutter priority modes


CameraPixels is among a few photography apps that support advanced exposure modes like ISO and Shutter priority. These modes are indispensable during dynamic photography when there is no time for adjusting manual exposure.

Histogram and clipping warnings

CameraPixels PRO(圖3)-速報App


The histogram is a great tool to estimate your exposure. It can show you if the photo has under-exposed or over-exposed areas. Clipping warnings, on the other hand, can show you exactly where those under and over-exposed areas in your photo are.

Depth capture


CameraPixels PRO(圖4)-速報App

On dual/triple-camera devices, CameraPixels can capture depth information alongside the colour photo. If the photo has depth information, in the preview window, two additional buttons appear (depth and portrait) that allow you to inspect the depth of the image and apply it to simulate an aperture.



CameraPixels supports multiple photo and video capture modes. Among them are Bracketing capture, Slow shutter and Time-lapse modes. CameraPixels has the most advanced bracketing available on the iOS platform, which includes exposure (auto-, ISO-, shutter-brackets, flash bracket) and focus modes.

CameraPixels PRO(圖5)-速報App



CameraPixels was designed for professional photographers that value efficiency of their workflow. The unlimited presets, including the possibility to expose them to Today widget make CameraPixels the ultimate photography tool.

Features overview

CameraPixels PRO(圖6)-速報App


- UI optimized for manual capture

- Advanced semi-automatic exposure modes (iso and shutter priority modes)

- Clipping warnings and focus peaking

CameraPixels PRO(圖7)-速報App

- Photo and video capture (Photo, Burst, Bracketing, Slow shutter, Portrait*, Time lapse, Video)

- Adjustable photo and video resolutions

- Adjustable photo and video qualities

- Advanced photo processing (Smart HDR and Deep fusion on supported devices)

CameraPixels PRO(圖8)-速報App

- Unlimited presets with the possibility of exposing them to Today widget

- The most advanced bracketing available on iOS, including exposure and focus options

- Advanced intervalometer

- OIS even for raw photo capture

CameraPixels PRO(圖9)-速報App

- Multiple framing options

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch